news the celebration 3rd or the 4th of the website birthday

hello every one its the 3rd birthday for the website my group helped me to make the website and i thanks them there is new posts like new games free and new programs and you download it free not to buy it its free !!!! and there is some movies on web and some stories and that is all on the 3rd birthday on the web every things the link and the pic of the product are updateing every month we make update for the download links because some times it be broken or the game or program or movie or emulator deleted so we fix it and today we will open new section the fixer or the solutions of the (wii-ps2-ps3-psp-xbox360) soon we will make solutions to fix for (xbox one -ps4-psp vita) and mod for games and console and my website is free from the vires free 100% if there any vires for the website please make a comment and if i not fixed it i will close my website that is real not fake and the webs...